Personal and Organisational Coaching


These days, nearly every company needs to change or adapt in order to survive and grow.  Many business strategies now result in transformation programmes which are delivered through multiple change projects. These projects aren’t always successful and are not always fully aligned with the original strategic direction or intentions of the organisation.  Every C-Suite executive has changes they wish to see implemented in their organisation.  Often these can be projects which have stalled and are struggling, but nonetheless are important and necessary.

It is common knowledge that sports stars and athletes have coaches to help them focus on what needs to be done, so that they can perform and compete at the highest level.  Ask yourself, Why is the same principle not applied to the delivery of a business project?

Projects Coach

I have spent most of my working life delivering change into multiple global organisations. I have significant knowledge and experience specifically centred around transformation projects and I have reached the point where I now actively label myself as a PROJECTS COACH.  I coach executives, stakeholders, project managers and project teams in order to identify the areas in need of particular attention and relevant potential solutions.  Together, we continue to focus on those areas and solutions to enable a successful project delivery and higher performance.

Quoting Sir John Whitmore: “Coaching is much bigger than coaching. Coaches are at the forefront of a way of being that the whole world needs to get to, where the core theme is compassion for all people and caring for all of nature and for our only home.”.

Perform better – Get a coach!

Contact Mike Now!